

How to Cite
Contreras Roa, J. A., Vera Villamizar, J. A., & Villamizar Cote, C. N. (2023). Loss of learning in basic education students in times of pandemic: An academic sequel during the return to presentiality. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 168–177. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.799
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This essay reflects on the learning loss in basic education students as a consequence of the home education process implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to investigate the way in which the learning loss in students has been evidenced in post-pandemic times, the factors that have influenced and the possible strategies to implement to overcome this problem. As a result of the reflection, it is found that there are methodological, didactic, pedagogical, economic and socio-emotional factors that influenced the learning loss. Additionally, some strategies are proposed which include academic leveling processes for students, socio-emotional support and teacher training focused on the use of new technologies and improvement of their pedagogical practice.



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