

How to Cite
Rodriguez Avila, Y., & García Mogollón, M. A. (2023). Writing processes, remote teaching and problem-based learning for the production of academic texts. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 63–76. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.704
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The teaching of writing needs to be in tune with real and contextualized practices that allow the student to have purpose in what he or she writes. Gone are the practices where writing was done without any intention. In this particular case, the purpose of this essay is to offer a teaching methodology for teaching writing academic texts based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL). To achieve this, we resorted to the review of sources on writing, academic writing, PBL and proceeded to design a strategy that links the above mentioned, with the contribution of the contextualization of the issues to be analyzed derived from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and that can be applied in remote teaching conditions, given the event of isolation by COVID-19. In this sense, it is considered a complete and robust strategy that can be used by other teachers in their classrooms to strengthen the development of genuine writing processes and the production of highly complex texts, which contributes to the appropriation of writing skills, as well as disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning on the part of students.



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