

How to Cite
Álvarez Giraldo, N. B., Cardozo Cruz, J. J., & Mejía Guarín, S. M. (2023). Postures of the socio-critical paradigm as contributions to education and educational management in Colombia. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 119–133. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.678
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This research essay is presented as a contribution of the authors within the framework of the philosophy of science, with the purpose of reflecting on the call of multiple Colombian educational communities to a genuine and decisive scientific revolution in education. The authors describe the research approaches and trends, philosophy and science, of great representatives who made significant theoretical contributions through the socio-critical paradigm in general and later in Latin America. Then, specific contributions to education and educational management are characterized, ending with the positions of an influential proponent in Colombia. The socio-critical paradigm pretends from critical theory, liberation in terms of thought and emancipation of educational actors in the contexts that they experience, through the communicative reason and argumentation of positions that involve the social transformation of their environment through the exchange of intersubjectivities that result in the restructuring of the educational system. From the positions of the socio-critical paradigm exposed, the authors conclude the article, with the chapter that presents these contributions in front of the guide 34 (Guide for the institutional improvement of the self-assessment to the improvement plan, established by the Colombian Ministry of Education) as an input for the realization of continuous improvement processes, adjusted to the institutional reality of educational management in Colombia.



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