

How to Cite
Hernandez Iriarte, V. A. (2022). Funtionality of the digital contents from the project Canaima educative in the language area. Dialogus Jornal, (8), 24–40. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i8.633
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This research had as main purpose to evaluate the main Digital Content Canaima Education Project’s in the area of Language in the National Bolivarian Schools Elementary of School Municipality No. 3 Maracaibo at the Zulia State. The theory was based on Pinto (2011), Rodriguez (2010), Garcia (2010), Ponce (2011), Navarro (2009), Gil (2001), Trevejo (2010), Poza (2006), Pressman (2002), Jimenez (2011), and the foundations of Canaima Education Project issued by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (2009). From the methodological point of view was a descriptive research and its design was considered non-experimental and field. A population census was used consisting of 10 teachers and 120 students from three (3) schools attached to the City School No. 3. For data collection was used two (2) questionnaire with dichotomous response options (Yes - No). The first directed the staff consists of 42 items and the second aimed at students with 28 items. Both instruments were validated under the criteria of 5 experts and its reliability was determined using the method of Kuder Richardson, obtaining a reliability coefficient 0.72 and 0.73 respectively. For statistical treatment of data was used the Microsoft Excel 2007. The research results show that the dimensions of accessibility, functionality, requirements themselves, navigability and design a high value obtained according to the schedule established. In this sense it is concluded that digital content Education Project Canaima meet all the technical, pedagogical allow its application in the sub-primary education system that implements the Venezuelan government. It also raises a periodic review from the point of the learning process, technology, that strengthen conditions considered in the current digital content.



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