

How to Cite
Ochoa Mena, E. (2022). Teaching and learning from the teacher’s perspective. Dialogus Jornal, (9), 115–124. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.vi9.710
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Education as an essential foundation of society must be perceived from an individual conception that adjusts to the realities and individualities of each subject, according to their specific needs and abilities, thus, when the teaching and learning processes start from and towards the construction of the individual, not only conscious and adjustable strategies, tools and teaching methods are developed, but also learning that goes beyond the simple assimilation and association of things, moving to an integral plane that enables accommodation and with it the meaningful understanding of objects, I propose this from my conception and perception as a classroom teacher, of what education should be and in it, the teaching and learning processes, for this, in this essay, I analyze, quote and reflect on the approaches that in this regard Authors such as Durkheim, Morin and Granata, among others, have written about the teaching process; likewise, the psychological and pedagogical conception of the teaching process written by authors such as: Monereo, Garces and classics such as: Kant, Piaget, Vygotsky, Ausubel and Bruner; As you can see, it is an argumentative essay where I establish my position on teaching and current education.



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