

How to Cite
Cardozo Cruz, J. J., Mejía Guarín, S. M., & Álvarez Giraldo, N. B. (2024). Humanization as a catalyst of organizational development. Dialogus Jornal, 1(14), 54–73. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i14.1395
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This article seeks to analyze how the humanization of the organization is a decisive factor that can enhance its development to the point of generating a competitive advantage over the same in its sector. For this, the term catalyst is used, understanding this as the key element that accelerates the transformation of the organization towards the promotion of an organizational culture, focused on achieving the satisfaction of people with the help of engagement to teamwork, vertical trust, healthy organizational practices (POS) and that brings as a consequence, that they fully deploy their skills and talents to achieve organizational goals.

The methodology used was based on qualitative research, the technique for the collection and selection of information was documentary review and additionally, hermeneutics was used as a tool to understand, interpret and reflect on the information from the different bibliographic sources consulted. The main conclusion reached is that through a humanistic and effective leadership that seeks to build an organizational culture focused on respect for otherness, recognition of otherness, conflict resolution in a dialogical way, the search for well-being and the personal satisfaction of their collaborators, organizations can develop their potential to the maximum.



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