

How to Cite
Barrera Jiménez , Y. A., Mantilla , Íngrid, & Montes Miranda, A. J. (2023). Digital educational resources mediated by gamification to improve the learning of mathematics in primary students of the Educational Center Gimnasio Pedagogico Marianito - Boyacá, Colombia. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.831
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The latest results of the external tests carried out in Colombia have revealed a decreasing level of numerical thinking in primary school students. This context promoted the development of this research entitled Strengthening numerical thinking in fourth -grade primary students of an educational institution in the Municipality of Duitama - Boyacá, which was carried out to strengthen numerical thinking in mathematics through the implementation of digital educational resources designed from the gamification approach. For this research, the qualitative methodological model with a Pedagogical Action Research approach developed in three phases was used, in which 14 fourth -grade students of the primary school participated. The results obtained showed that the level of numerical thinking was significantly strengthened, decreasing the number of students who did not reach the minimum required level of performance and increasing the percentage of students at the high and higher level, in the same way, there was improvement in reasoning and solving problems with basic operations, disposition for the class and the motivation of the students.



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