

How to Cite
Gonzalez Alzate, O. A. (2023). Biopraxis of the child and its Cosmic Virtue. Two key affairs in Montessori Thought. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 119–133. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.809
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Intimately in the academic community the name of María Montessori perfectly symbolizes the active school. Through the various imaginaries that people have about María Montessori, it is unavoidable to ask ourselves again: ¿What are the central ideas of her thought that should be linked in the current active school? For this purpose, a review and thematization of his categories is undertaken based on the reading of two of his works. Reading it again and separating its concepts allows us to find a Montessori that has not been fully explored, one that helps to clarify a bit of its questioned method. For this exercise, a selection of two works written by the author is made: The Absorbent Mind of the Child from 1949 and Education of Human Potentialities, a publication made in 1947. The thematization construct consists of separating the categories linked in the texts, specifically analyzing two issues that I consider important and problematic in the sense that they deserve to be questioned and discussed on this horizon. The first called Intelligence-Childhood as Montessorian biopraxis, where we review the intelligence-infant relationship; the second issue, called cosmic virtue, where we relate human imagination-potential. It is the purpose of this work to broaden and strengthen the horizons and perspectives on Montessori's conceptual contributions and in this way contribute to rethinking her work in the midst of the confusion and hubbub that her method has left. I think this could balance his legacy in due proportion.



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