

How to Cite
Español, L. D., Español, L. J., & Vásquez Acevedo, H. M. (2023). Computational thinking in politics educational public of Colombia. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 13–28. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.804
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The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, highlighted by the proliferation and synergy of information as a technological advance conducive to the development of human resource competencies required by organizations worldwide, reveals the need to enhance Computational Thinking competence. from educational spaces, since its essence is problem solving, based on thought processes and strategies in the field of technology and computing (Zapata-Ros, 2018). Hence, the purpose of this article is to analyze the Colombian public policy for the development of Computational Thinking in basic and secondary education in Colombia, for this reason a qualitative, hermeneutic study is carried out, based on the corpus of documentary content analysis. and in-depth interpretation of the "Curricular Guidelines for the Technology and Information Technology Area in Basic and Secondary Education", and the "Guidelines for the Articulation of Computational Thinking with the Mathematics Curriculum", issued by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MINTIC), in agreement with the Bristisch Council. For the same, the Computational Thinking is assumed as the main category; and as subcategories: digital literacy and problem solving. It is worth noting that in this study the complementarity between the documents is evident, problem solving is the axis of both, one focuses on digital literacy and the other on Computational Thinking.



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