

How to Cite
Arroyo Morales, M. P. (2023). Educational public policies on performance evaluation: Tension and reality. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 107–118. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.786
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This article arises from one of the established purposes in the investigation called "Resignification of the annual performance evaluation and its relationship with the pedagogical practice of the 1278 teachers”. Its scope, from a documentary review, was to conceptualize through a critical perspective the current educational policies associated with teacher’s performance evaluation in Colombia, revealing who promotes them at a global level, under theoretical assumptions and which tensions have had at a global and national level, from the analysis of the position of diferent authors who speak about the subject; This allowed us to reflect on this highly and complex topic and also to observe that the Teacher’s performance evaluations have been established as a tool to improve the Student’s educational quality and the teaching work; And although the reality about what is happening in many countries like Colombia shows that the results are not as expected and that the strategies for the process said are not pertinent, it is spreading worldwide, regardless of the contexts. In this order of ideas, recognizing the panorama of evaluation policies in terms of teacher’s performance evaluation at a global and national level, allowed an approach to the institutional reality, generating a pedagogical debate and also it stablished relationships between the diferent positions and contexts in which these decisions has been implemented in a governmental and political order. As a result, it was possible to show that these global order policies have increased the social gaps between developed and underdeveloped countries, where the latter make governmental decisions, among these educational decisions attending to the requirements of international organizations and forgetting the contexts; In this way the performance evaluation in Colombia arrived without pedagogical discussion and as an instrumental technical process over the years has not affected the much-desired teaching quality.



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