

How to Cite
Aravena Domich, M., & Martínez Lalangui, J. A. (2023). Cultural diversity and education: A view from the Saraguro ethnic group – Ecuador. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 13–30. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.753
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From cultural diversity, integrating aspects of societies and cultures can be recognized and visualized. Colonization has inherited a series of disagreements in relation to the presence of ethnic groups throughout the country, especially a low value to society. The educational institution, through education, could be the right place for boys and girls of the Saraguro ethnic group to share with other cultures and other ways of conceiving the world. The Saraguro are a culture that has remained over time, recognized in Ecuador for its presence and development. This work shows from education, the integration of boys and girls from other cultures, especially from Saraguro and shelters them from a dominant culture. Tolerance, respect and coexistence are necessary to recover spaces in education and in society. The educational experiences collaborate with the views towards the diverse and allow one to re-think the need to coexist in and from the educational spaces towards the plural society such as Ecuador. This experience gives an account from the Saraguro ethnic group, the possibilities and limitations that arise from education and the importance of coexistence. Finally, it is necessary that each culture is recognized in society as an integral part and that, from education, processes are strengthened and work is done for cultural diversity and, on the other hand, society in general must open itself unconditionally to each culture.



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