

How to Cite
Rivera Corredor, D. A., & Méndez Sosa, C. A. . (2023). Constructing a real university educational leadership. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 148–157. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.727
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Universities have always been highly relevant to society. These institutions constitute a determining role in the development and economy of every country since they are largely responsible for scientific and technological progress, research development and the training of future competent professionals, who must be capable of facing all the challenges and changing situations of society. The characteristics of leadership, thinking about the responsibility of educational leadership, does not only fall on management and/or the people who run these institutions. Although quality assurance helps institutions to acquire the necessary conditions to improve processes and increase the quality of results, obtain renewals of qualified registrations, etc., the scope of educational leadership cannot be limited by mere certifications or accreditations or sponsored solely by a handful of managers. Thus, all the members of a university community have a significant role in educational leadership. It is necessary to emphasize the role of teachers because these are the people who ultimately have direct and constant contact with students and manage to forge learning communities. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate that university educational leadership must be based on the establishment of a quality culture that advocates the participation of the entire educational community and benefits the personal, labor, social and professional training.



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