

How to Cite
Márquez Peñaranda, C. G., Villavicencio Galindo, J. M., & Muñoz Blanco, L. C. (2023). The unexpected opportunity for the educational field arising from the covid-19 pandemic. A hopeful look for the future. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 77–93. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.716
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This article presents an examination of the challenges faced by the educational systems with the return to face-to-face study after two years of studying from home motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The review is based on the period from March 2020, corresponding to the beginning of the confinement derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, until the current June 2022, wich is the time in wich this document was prepared. We reviwed 45 articles hosted in Google Scholar, Scopus, Redalyc and Scielo published in English, Spanish and Portuguese whose relationship with the proposed topic was determined with the key expressions: “Post-pandemic education”, “Education after COVID-19”. The choice of the articles that shaped the discussion is base don a data matrix elaborated from the articles reviwed and for its production the fundamental features of the process prior to returning to face-to-face clases were taken into account, such as connectivity, socialization and mental health. The results lead us to think that educational systems, after the worst of the pandemic, have before them the opportunity to review their essential postulates and generate adaptive processes with the potential to produce a revolution in teaching in educational centers. The analysis and review seeks to offer an alternative view of the well-known hopeless discourse that assumes that all eforts to educate remotely during confinement were unsuccessful and that suffering from this crisis leaves us no lesson.



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