

How to Cite
Peñaloza Caballero, N. Z., & González Cetina, M. A. . (2022). Teaching challenge in public institutions of Colombia in time of pandemic and post-pandemic. Dialogus Jornal, (9), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.vi9.713
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In times of crisis, opportunities, innovations and new learning are generated, the human capacity to adapt, overcome vicissitudes or decline is manifested. The purpose of this essay is to expose from a reflective vision the role of the teacher of public institutions in Colombia, during the pandemic caused by COVID-19 during the years 2020-2021 and the return to face-to-face teaching. In retrospect, a review was made of the accompaniment and commitment assumed by the teacher to overcome the obstacles and assume the work during and after the crisis generated by this world event, which further revealed the conditions of inequality, violence, mistreatment, poverty monetary and multidimensional that children and young people live in our country, deprived in at least one of the following aspects: education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation and drinking water. Taking into account the facts presented, it is necessary to rethink quality public education for all, and resignify the social function of the school, the purposes, the structures and the curricular processes. Likewise, revalue the role of the teacher and identify the deficiencies of the students not only in the development of competencies, but also in the emotional and social development, generating strategies from the family-school action that allow correcting the affected learning. Indeed, the need for educational transformation was made visible, taking up the significant experiences of innovative practices, to strengthen and continue improving the teaching-learning and school coexistence processes. Understanding the possibility of building the educational system in a better or different way, based on principles of equity, inclusion and equality, is the challenge for the humanization of education.



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