

How to Cite
Rosa Coronado, M. (2022). Teachers beliefs on the teaching of digital writing. Dialogus Jornal, (8), 41–69. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i8.541
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This article is born from the doctoral research: Teaching beliefs on the teaching of writing with the support of ICT in the area of language whose general purpose is to understand how the configurations of teaching beliefs limit or favor the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process of writing, whose transcendence is to reveal the teaching characterization in the classroom from the way of teaching and transposing the knowledge from the trinomial: beliefs, writing and ICT in relation to the integration of ICT in the teaching process based on three elements: (1) writing to develop skills; (2) the use of ICT in education and (3) the teaching beliefs central axis of this research


The importance of this research will allow to unveil specific constructs to improve educational quality and transform curricula at the level of education and teacher professionalization; in addition, to contribute to science, education and technology theoretical constructs to close learning gaps and at the same time demonstrate that the effective use of these tools in a positive or negative way does not depend on it, but on the people, in this case the teacher who applies them or uses them according to the learning objective. this research is qualitative, supported by the interpretative paradigm, case study and ethnographic design; the type of technique or tool for data collection is the interview (in-depth and semi-structured, group) and focus groups for final triangulation; the analysis tool to be worked on will be on the constructivist grounded theory.



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