

How to Cite
Ruiz Valenzuela, G. M. (2022). Diagnosis of the administrative management of the San Lorenzo educational institution, Municipality of Suaza-Colombia 2014-2018 for the implementation of a pedagogical proposal that improves the school climate. Dialogus Jornal, (5), 10–32. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i5.526
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The current research is aimed at identifying the reasons for the shortcomings presented in the school climate in elementary school at the San Lorenzo Educational Institution in the municipality of Suaza, Colombia. It is developed within a methodology with a quantitative positivist approach of a diagnostic research type, which fundamentally consists of characterizing a specific phenomenon or situation indicating its features (Canabal, 2015). The population selected for the research is constituted by the educational community of the San Lorenzo Educational Institution and as a population sample the total population of basic secondary is taken with a total of 378 students of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades because they are the grades with higher rates of school coexistence problems. In addition, parents, 21 teachers including the guidance teacher, 4 administrators and 2 managers are taken, using the non-probabilistic method that allows the researcher to select the target population of the sample for the convenience of the researcher. The application of surveys or questionnaires to characterize the population is used to determine the weaknesses and difficulties in the school climate and their implications for healthy coexistence. The diagnostic test is supported by the field diary, elements of a descriptive quantitative research. It is proposed as a pedagogical strategy the elaboration of three work units focused on working as central themes bullying, coexistence and peace, and plurality, identity, and valuation of differences. Finally, a confirmation of the exposed hypothesis is made, thereby allowing the establishment of a series of activities associated with the way in which academic training processes mediated by information and communication technologies are developed.



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