

How to Cite
España, J. I. (2022). Administrative management and dropout at the San Lorenzo de Suaza Huila educational institution 2014-2019 period. Dialogus Jornal, (7), 12–38. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i7.525
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The main objective of the current research is to propose an Improvement Plan from the administrative management to face the high school dropout in the vocational average of the Educational Institution of rural area San Lorenzo Suaza Huila, Colombia. This is based on the analysis of school dropout present between 2014 and 2019. The methodological design of the research process is based on the positivist paradigm with a mixed and descriptive approach, which allows to account for the reality faced within this context, to through the compilation of qualitative and quantitative data, making use of different instruments for collecting and analyzing information. The population sample selected for the research work corresponds to 222 students from sixth to eleventh grade, chosen through the non-probabilistic method, through the formula. Finally, the recognition of digital resources is established as a tool that, when incorporated into the classroom, improves the performance of students and arouses greater interest in learning, likewise it is obtained that the Improvement Plan proposed, from administrative management represents an effective measure to face high school dropouts within the Institution, due to the leadership force that characterizes it within educational management and to be aware of the needs of the students



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