

How to Cite
Ruiz, G. M. (2022). The school climate as a fundamental axis for improving educational quality. Dialogus Jornal, (8), 12–23. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i8.524
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It is increasingly important to pay attention to the factors that influence the improvement of educational quality, in fact, this aspect is framed within Colombian educational policies. Faced with this, in this essay educational quality is related to the school climate, understood as the state of the generalized perception possessed by the actors that make up the entire educational community within a complex process of social and cultural interaction. To face this relationship, school management is located as a process of active and constructive school participation, where the idea of ​​educational community is highlighted, allowing to focus on important constitutive elements within said management such as coexistence, pedagogy for peace, the role of the teacher and the student, in addition to the teaching and learning processes that focus on the sociocultural context. In effect, the improvement of educational quality from the bases of the school climate is, therefore, conditioned to the recognition both of the different possibilities that educational institutions have within their sociocultural environment and of respect for the maturation processes, interpersonal relationship and action and strengthening plans to be taken collectively.



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