

How to Cite
España, J. I. (2022). The critical didactics as part of educational strategies to address the phenomenon of school dropout. Dialogus Jornal, (4), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i4.523
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School dropout or dropout is one of the main obstacles to the achievement of educational purposes of both the institutions and the educational systems that represent them, hence the aim of this essay is to make an approach towards critical didactics as part of the strategies to deal with the phenomenon of school dropout. In this sense, this pedagogical perspective seeks to investigate the elements that allow preventing school dropout from classroom practices, locating itself in aspects such as situated learning, the sociocultural context, failure or bullying. In this order of ideas, advocating critical didactics within pedagogical practice is to maintain attention on the student as an active subject, that is, an individual who must be involved at all times in the ways of building knowledge in the classroom. Clearly, to advocate for an education away from school dropout is to advocate for a student-centered system, which implies leaving behind the traditionalist forms of education, where the static and passive character of the student prevails. Thus, it is important to move to much more humanistic approaches to education, where the voices as well as the experiences and socio-cultural conditions of the learners are taken into consideration.



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