

How to Cite
Ochoa Mena, E. (2022). Reflections on reason and experience in contemporary education. Dialogus Jornal, (6), 106–115. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i6.520
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Education as a principle and foundation in the formation of individuals in society, has its origin in different teaching techniques or strategies, some based on the transformation of behavior and others on training for the exercise of a social position; However, with the passing of the years and social dynamization, education has incorporated various techniques and tools that have allowed it to reach not only a few in a unique and universal way, but also in a way adapted to the circumstances, possibilities, needs. and student expectations, it has incorporated resources and strategies that allow it to cover a wide spectrum of knowledge, not only cognitive, but also labor, social, humanistic and technological; has designed models, guidelines or pedagogical currents that, according to a specific purpose, generate behavioral, cognitive, attitudinal, ethical and behavioral changes in students; in general terms, education has been transformed hand in hand with today's society; In this sense, this article contains a reflective and conceptual analysis of some of the contemporary pedagogical models, highlighting in them the influence of the philosophical thoughts of Rene Descartes, John Locke and Immanuel Kant.



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