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This essay is a review and a reflection on knowledge and its nature in understanding paradigms and epistemic models. It starts from historical and evolutionary research on the symbolic construction of the world based on the interpretations that man makes of his reality and collects critical and reflective views of the scientific evolution from the ways of investigating. In this sense, Education has managed to expand knowledge to unsuspected branches, providing solutions and problems to the emerging dynamics of change, in this case validating for the purposes of reflective contributions, the importance of recognizing research as a playful activity motivated by enjoyment and of course, the incidence of the concept of didactic transposition in doctoral studies to guarantee, in addition to permanence in academic programs, to motivate a good relationship of the subjects with knowledge and its management from research. This journey addresses the ontological, epistemological and methodological views of paradigms (Ramos, 2015) and articulates the views of epistemic models (Hurtado, 2000) from the genesis, circulation and appropriation of knowledge (Zambrano, 2013). With the paths prepared for research, it is possible to dream of a different way of doing science, a path guided by play, where investigating is exciting, enjoyable, understandable and more accessible to all people, even breaking down the age barriers. The ludo-scientific perspective aims to stimulate the didactic transposition and will influence the control of school, university and doctoral dropouts, promoting in turn a greater number of investigations.
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