

How to Cite
Bader Correa, R. E. (2022). Educational research and quality education from the perspective of the humanist model. Dialogus Jornal, (8), 70–78. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i8.450
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This essay is the product of reflection on how educational research and quality education from the humanist model can be implemented in countries where it is desired to give priority to the human part. Likewise, how the investigative processes help to improve educational quality. Similarly, a tour is made by different authors who define educational research and quality education and the way in which they influence the development of abilities and skills of students, improving the teaching and learning processes. In addition, the importance of the humanist model in education, research, science and technology is highlighted, taking into account the contributions to educational quality from research as the main axis of the processes which leads us towards a culture of peace and coexistence such as it is established by the Political Constitution of Colombia. Therefore, it must be remembered that at present the main factor of development is combined between human, scientific and technological knowledge. For this reason, if an education is offered from this model, a culture of peace and coexistence can be maintained because those who dedicate themselves to doing science and technology will be immersed in their investigative processes in order to contribute to the development of the country. 



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