

How to Cite
Sanabria Yaruro, D. A. (2022). From Parmenides to Comte: Analysis and contributions of positivism. Dialogus Jornal, (6), 37–52. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i6.434
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When reading or talking about epistemology, the body of knowledge is categorized in philosophical currents, models or thoughts, and they mark their origins as something given, perhaps for comfort or perhaps for efficiency in the handling of knowledge; but the truth, is that the justice isn´t done  to the path that knowledge has taken and the scope it has today, and even more so  it is usually take it for granted that if we speak of a particular thinker, his argumentative evidence is relevant or sufficient to make this this or that affirmation, especially with the so called ancient philosophers. This is why we intend to show succinctly the possible pre-socratico origin of positivism (at least from the point of view of thought) following a temporal succession that goes from Parmenides, through Democritus, Pyrrho and ending in Auguste Comte considered the father of metaphysical scepticism or positivism, and about who, will be tackle the postulates that support his thought and the achieve that it has had in Europe. This is how it become evident that knowledge is a continuous work of thinkers over time, who give their contribution to make some ideas evolve and invalidate others, achiev the consolidation of knowledge in accordance with the historical, social, cultural and technological periods in wich the flourish of knowledge itself is found.




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