

How to Cite
Ramos Hernández, R. R. (2023). Sistemas Educativos: tendencias y desafíos. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 158–182. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.368
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This article provides a documentary review of educational systems, based on their structure, organization, regulations, characteristics and problems; in addition to establishing the different training levels in which they are articulated, in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). Special emphasis is made in the educational systems of countries such as: Spain, Argentina. Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela, establishing comparisons between them; which allow us to identify common aspects and establish the differences between their models, given the multiple factors that affect the educational path of each country.

In the same way, an informative tour is carried out on the trends of the educational systems and the analysis of ten scientific articles that address the topic, which allow us to better understand their peculiarities, determining that there is currently a great variety of trends in educational systems that seek to achieve successful models to improve educational quality and economic development in their contexts.

Finally, the challenges of educational systems are addressed, the trace indicates that they are diverse, but they have common challenges associated with the fourth revolution, in context with education 4.0 and Steam; which in turn are consistent with sustainable development, within the framework of the digital transformation that affects all fields of society. The educational systems try to respond to the challenges that the current and future situation demands, preparing students in additional abilities and skills to those traditionally received, so that they adapt to change, with talent and competencies relevant to the new scenario.



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