

How to Cite
Laverde Agudelo, G. M. M. (2022). Exclusion in Colombia: Some realities. Dialogus Jornal, (5), 71–79. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i5.344
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The defense of human rights began many years ago in the French Constituent Assembly in 1789 with the promulgation of the rights of man and the citizen; However, today 231 years later almost no country has managed to achieve this end. For the particular case of Colombia, which is a multicultural country characterized by the diversity of its population in its territory and geo-politically located and organized throughout its history, it has not yet managed to overcome the exclusion, rejection, violation of rights, segregation and silencing of groups. that they are considered minority but that being human it seems that they are not considered as such. A review of some authors and the history of the country is carried out to try to identify why this country is unable to overcome these problems that are evident to the international community thanks to statistics, but it seems that it is not desired that it be so evident to the inside of this. In dialogue with the authors, 4 approaches are analyzed from which the emergence of these problems can be seen: from race, those denigrated by language, capitalism and the invisible or undesirable. Finally, it concludes by making some proposals to achieve the participation of all citizens from a more tolerant and inclusive perspective that links the government to any citizen who can impact change for all.



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