

How to Cite
Alean Meza, G. E., & Espeleta Flórez, L. D. (2022). Reflections on empirism as theoretical-practical basis for the development of educational research in the classroom. Dialogus Jornal, (4), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i4.307
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This essay is a reflection on empiricism and its Theoretical - Practical contribution to the development of epistemology and educational research, with the purpose of strengthening the teaching and learning process in the classroom, it is also an invitation for teachers to investigate and value the empirical knowledge that students possess when planning and imparting their knowledge. Hence, epistemological and scientific analysis must be present in the training processes carried out at school, hence a teacher who is open to new paradigms, creative, responsible and investigative, capable of making his class a living organism, which is born, grows, develops and never dies, because its students always long for something new to learn and build. In order to achieve these goals, the school needs to appropriate and empower its transformative and innovative role, and promote within it the discussion, construction of new educational practices around epistemology and educational research, especially on empiricism as a focus and theory that allows building meaningful knowledge from the classroom based on the previous knowledge that teachers and students possess.  



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