

How to Cite
Pinilla Monroy, M. C. (2018). Utopia-Dystopia: Challenges for educational modernization. Dialogus Jornal, (1), 46–50. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i1.154
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There are great contradictions between the ideal of modernization and what really happens in our globalized world. Progress takes place in an unequal way and uncertainty takes over the future. In this negative perspective, Zygmunt Bauman presents the idea of liquid modernity which refers to a space of uncertainty and emptiness, a continuous transformation of what used to be stable and solid. But it is in the crisis of values, of society and culture, in this this apparent and insuperable ambivalence between the utopia and the dystopia of the concept of modernization where it is possible to think about an option of power able to transform and face the fear: Education. This requires rethinking its objectives, processes and the participation of its actors. Their ability to reinvent themselves, adapt, deal the situation, and strive for a formation of individuals who are able to recognize their historical, social, political, and cultural becoming. Education stands as an option to achieve a modernization from inside society with a conscience of humanism and the possibility of fighting the battle against despair.


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