

How to Cite
Correa Suárez, G. L. (2018). Reflections regarding quality and the relevance of colombian education from the perspective of evaluation of learning. Dialogus Jornal, (1), 31–38. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i1.152
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This essay is a reflection on importance of education as the fundamental axis for the future of any nation on this planet. Without education people do not progress, this fact is verified daily in the world reality. Education is the key that opens all doors .It also analyzes the Colombian reality in terms of quality and relevance of education, the tendency to standardize from the state tests that respond to requirements from international organizations with strictly economic motivations. Finally there is an in-depth study of the role that teachers play in the conjunctural transformation of the educational model in the present moment of the country’s history. “The school has failed” is the conclusion that can be reached by seeing the type of citizens that are being formed in Colombia; corruption, deplorable management of environment, the present violence; are, among other things, the consequences of this, so we must awaken and promote this change from school management, design and implementation of programs relevant to the needs of today's world. But it is in the teacher that the efforts have to be focused since he has social esteem for his laudable work, but no social status, training and improvement of teachers' working conditions, leadership training and social skills for Promoters of education are a requirement in the world and specifically in Colombia if we want the advances we want in education.


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