

How to Cite
Cruz Picón, P. E. (2024). The banality of evil in the university environment: A perspective from Hannah Arendt. Dialogus Jornal, 1(14), 120–132. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i14.1514
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The objective of the essay is to reflect on the banality of evil in the university environment from the philosophical approach of Hannah Arendt. The methodology used is a theoretical review where relevant aspects of the banality of evil are identified in classification with educational praxis. As a finding, it was found that in the higher pedagogical act a feasible banality of evil is manifested that is based on authoritarianism, routine and bureaucracy, blind obedience, indifference and social exclusion. It is concluded that the University faces the challenge of designing a critical, liberated, autonomous, investigative, dialogic and flexible curriculum and pedagogy that guarantees the adequate socio-pedagogical exercise of education and the development of fair and equitable educational competencies, policies and practices.



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