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This writing is the product of the analysis and reflection undertaken on how inclusion can be understood from the cognitive paradigm. Firstly, the contextual framework that accompanies inclusive social development in the world and specifically in Latin America was considered; subsequently, its applicability to the notion of inclusivity in the construction of knowledge was addressed from the theoretical foundations of Piaget and Vygotsky, as well as the interbehavioral perspective and its contribution based on the interrelation of the elements of the environment. Finally, Ainscow's proposal for the development of educational systems was analyzed. This journey has motivated an idea, which will be the guide of this document, which starts from the discussion on how globalization affects the way in which we subjects interrelate, breaking the borders of knowledge at a speed never seen before. history of humanity, generating ways of understanding the world and with it, new ways of linking ourselves with others, all of this to ask ourselves if what is being called “inclusion” is such a thing declared in documents and regulations, or does it correspond to a postmodern concept, one more, that is inscribed in the superficiality of human relationships.
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