

How to Cite
Bravo De la Ossa, A. (2018). Education as a fundamental axis for development. Dialogus Jornal, (1), 20–30. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i1.151
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This essay is a reflection of the tensions between a globalized world, social development and the educational system; The latter has fallen into obsolescence in our Latin American region, since there is a significant gap in the use and application of resources such as communications, science and technology, as it has been shown the potential of these elements to develop a country. In the case of ICTs, it can be said that these are not enough to permeate the majority of the student population, on the other hand there has been an advance in educational coverage to the detriment of quality, which would not generate the necessary skills In students to face the challenges of the 21st century, it can finally be said that the school to take on the new challenge needs a manager who uses economic, pedagogical and human resources effectively and efficiently. Suggests the prudence in the analysis that is made to the insertion of the formation by competences in the development of a country. It values the importance of new technologies in the process of globalization and its strength in virtual education, recognizes the implementation of educational policies as mechanisms that directly support the acquisition construction and generation of knowledge; Elements considered essential in the development of a country.


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