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The study conducted a semi-systematic review, which is a more structured research modality than a narrative review. However, the methodology adopted does not comply with all the rigorous steps of a systematic review (Zunder, 2021). Some criteria were followed such as formulation of the research question, search, document eligibility and synthesis of the results. Academic Google was searched for papers using the keyword “phenomenological-hermeneutic method”. Books, book chapters and peer-reviewed articles published in indexed academic journals were included. A document matrix was constructed in which the information gathered from various documents was organized and presented in a systematic manner. The findings derived from the review refer that the phenomenological-hermeneutic method as a qualitative tradition focuses on the exploration, description, interpretation and understanding of phenomena, facts, events in different areas of knowledge from the experiential experience of social actors, where the researcher interacts dynamically with these actors in a social-historical time. It should be noted that for its application, the researcher develops three phases or stages: preliminary, description and analysis and interpretation, in correspondence with the purpose established by the researchers.
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