

How to Cite
Monge Poltronieri, S. A. (2024). Creation of professional profiles, reflective activity with Physical Education students. Dialogus Jornal, 1(14), 86–102. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i14.1487
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This document reviews the importance of human resource management by linking it to physical education and highlights the critical importance of designing detailed and complete job profiles. Human resources are essential to align an organization's workforce with its objectives, especially in an environment related to training and sports where attracting the right talent directly impacts the development of the users who use the services. Therefore, it makes an understanding of what job profiles, job specifications and job descriptions entail, and highlights their importance in ensuring that candidates for the job are suitable. It also addresses some important aspects to reduce deficiencies in current job descriptions and specifications in ​​training and sport, which often lack the necessary details, leading to recruitment and performance problems. At the same time, it provides a tool on how to teach Physical Education and related students to design effective job profiles and highlights the value of clarity and precision in these documents, as well as the importance of eliminating discrimination in job profiles and ensure it is inclusive and fair, thereby promoting diversity and equality, as well as better overall outcomes for employees and organizations.



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