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Socioemotional skills are known as those behaviors with which feelings and attitudes are expressed when interacting with other people, on them depends the achievement of a healthy coexistence in daily life; regulating these skills becomes a complex process for some and sometimes difficult to moderate, which generates inconveniences in different spaces of sociability. The project started from the manifestations of inappropriate behaviors by some students of the first grade of the Filipinas school during classes, evidencing inappropriate behaviors in relation to the development of socioemotional competencies during school work, being visible in the pedagogical encounters and at the same time, having repercussions in the academic and coexistence processes. After the observations made by the head teacher to the group in question, a questionnaire was applied to know and assess the state of socioemotional competencies in a diagnostic way. Then, a Blog was designed as a digital resource that allowed to involve students in the acquisition of socioemotional competencies, contributing to minimize and/or change inappropriate behaviors in the classroom and achieve a healthy coexistence in the sample population of the research work.
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