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The development of information and communication technologies has boosted the evolution of societies, a key point being the transformation of teaching-learning processes. One of these technologies is augmented reality (AR) used as didactic material, allowing the interaction of the physical environment with virtual elements. The objective was identify the level of knowledge and application of AR tools in learning spaces by CEUTEC teachers in Honduras. The approach was quantitative, exploratory-descriptive in scope and a non-experimental-transversal design. A digital survey was applied to 126 CEUTEC teachers in the cities of Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. Forty-four percent of the teachers in the sample did not receive courses for technology management in teaching in the last year, 56% have little or no knowledge about AR and only 1% have used AR in their classes. The greatest perceived benefit of using AR is to increase student attention; the greatest limitation identified was connectivity and lack of specialized equipment. Teachers have little knowledge of AR, so they have not applied it in their learning spaces. It is necessary for the university to provide specialized spaces and training to teachers and for them to be committed to applying it.
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