

How to Cite
Cruz Alvarenga, L. A. ., & Padilla Sánchez, G. A. (2024). Spelling level of spanish teachers in secondary education in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Dialogus Jornal, 1(13), 35–45. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i13.1391
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The objective of this research was to identify the level of spelling skills of Spanish teachers in secondary schools in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. It was carried out through a quantitative approach and descriptive scope, and a test of knowledge about spelling was surveyed and applied in person to 25 Spanish teachers from eight middle schools (tenth to twelfth grade) in the city of San Pedro Sula. The test consisted of writing exercises evaluating letter changes and accentuation, with a total value of 20 points. According to the results obtained, it was identified that 60% of those surveyed assured to have a good level in spelling. In addition, 24 of the 25 teachers surveyed considered that the students' writing skills had deteriorated, taking as an evaluation parameter the assignments presented by the students. When applying the test, it was shown that only 28% of the teachers obtained a grade equal to or higher than 12 points out of 20, which is the minimum passing grade (60%).  However, the average grade obtained by the teachers in the test was 10.6 points, which is a failing grade. In conclusion, Spanish teachers in secondary education have a low command of spelling skills. There is an awareness that the students' level of spelling is deficient; however, teachers do not have ample grammatical knowledge either. This raises a concern in the learning of middle school students in the good use of the Spanish language.



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