

How to Cite
Arteta Franco, M. L. (2024). Perceptions on the constructs of social inclusion - exclusion as experienced by students of naval schools, Colombia. Dialogus Jornal, 1(13), 98–116. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i13.1357
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Educational inclusion seeks to ensure the access, participation and success of all people, without distinction, within the educational system. It involves eliminating barriers and promoting equal opportunities so that all students can fully develop their abilities and skills. It is based on principles of equity, justice and respect for diversity, seeking that all students have the same opportunities. Consequently, the purpose of this research is to explore the perceptions that the different actors of the Colombian Naval Colleges have about the constructs of social inclusion and exclusion. Methodologically, it is framed in the interpretative paradigm, specifically in phenomenology. In order to approach it, we made use of participant observation and in-depth interviews with key informants (parents, students and teachers) from two Colombian naval institutions. The results show that there is social exclusion due to various factors: socioeconomic status, military ranks, sexual diversity, various disabilities, among others, which are manifested through bullying, hate speech and exclusion. This reveals little commitment of the institution to the fact, but at the same time, immense possibilities to establish policies and actions for educational inclusion.



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