

How to Cite
Bolaño Navarro, E. J., Gonzalez Perez, S., & Monsalvo De León, L. E. (2024). The reality of the competition curriculum in Colombia. Dialogus Jornal, 1(13), 132–150. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i13.1247
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The article entitled The Reality of the competency Based Curriculum in Colombia, addresses the transformation of the curriculum in the country since its enactment of the Political Constitution of 1991 and the General Education Law. The objective is to analyze the Colombian curricular reality: considering aspects such as: the competency-based curriculum, educational policies and the quality referents, and curricular autonomy in educational institutions was addressed, from the question how effective and beneficial has this autonomy been?

The research was descriptive, with a non-experimental design. Its methodology was based on the search for relevant information. The topic was investigated through a questionnaire addressed by the essayist, consultation of bibliographic sources, review of journals, videos, scientific articles, books, observation and inductive derivation, which allowed the analysis of the historical evolution of the curriculum since its roots in the University of Glasgow to the innovative proposals of authors such as Stephen Kemmins and John Franklin Bobbitt.

The results show that Colombia faces a palpable contradiction when this ideal of autonomy is overshadowed by standardized evaluation processes, meticulously designed under the aegis of international agencies with agendas clearly aligned to global economies; relegating the very purpose of evaluation and its harmonization with the diverse realities that make up the cultural and social mosaic of the nation.

In conclusion, the importance of understanding the Colombian curricular reality through competency-based approaches stands out, and the question of the effectiveness and benefits of this transformation in the educational system is raised. The article offers a reflective look at the evolution of the competency-based curriculum in Colombia, highlighting its implications, challenges and the balance between school autonomy and governmental guidelines.



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