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Cardozo Cruz, J. J., Mejia Guarin, S. M., & Alvarez Giraldo, N. B. (2023). Curricular transformation: An emerging paradigm as a contribution to holistic education. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 88–106. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.1136
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This scientific publication aims to expose some of the contemporary curricular trends that are directly related to the teaching-learning process of students, teaching pedagogical practices, educational quality, the skills developed by students immersed in different socio-cultural and educational contexts.

In consideration of the above, not only is the relevance that the curriculum currently has in terms of mitigating the gap between the school and society, but also the interaction and interrelation that must exist between its theory and practice; At the same time, the importance and flexibility of the curriculum for the formation of integral human beings within educational institutions is highlighted, taking into account the real context and therefore its incidence in the processes of social transformation, from which it is reconfigured as a paradigm. emergent that pertinently affects holistic education.

The methodology developed, in which this proposal was argued, focuses on qualitative research, the technique for tracking and identifying the information used was documentary review, where in a complementary way hermeneutics is used as a means to understand, clarify and rethink about the information collected from the different bibliographical antecedents analyzed.

The main deduction that was reached is that, in the current era, education faces multiple challenges in a world in constant evolution where the modification and continuous improvement of the curriculum, the renewal of pedagogical practices, the development of social skills, personal, professionals and interdisciplinary in the student will promote a transformation in the holistic way of seeing the world and interacting with it; Considering this educational reality, it is essential to reflect from multiple points of view on the phenomena that emerge from the educational act, which will seek to respond to the needs demanded by the socio-cultural context in which the actors involved in the teaching process live-learning in relation to the curriculum and as a contribution to holistic education.



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