

How to Cite
Avilés Ramírez, H. M. (2022). Meaningful learning in the teaching of economics. Dialogus Jornal, (9), 32–40. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.vi9.711
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This argumentative essay is based on the theoretical reflections that other authors have made about meaningful learning, reasoning at the same time how it could improve the teaching of economics in light of the theory of meaningful learning in David Ausubel’s classical vision; as well as the contributions of Moreira, among others. In teaching practice, most teaching strategies continue to promote mechanical, purely rote learning much more than meaningful learning. Reason for which, it is detailed what significant learning is, aspects to take into account, arguing that to achieve significant learning in economics it is necessary to start from the economic reality, from the facilitating role of the teacher in programming the content, when selecting the potential didactic material that adjusts to the cognitive structures of the student. In the reasoning, some economic realities are addressed, such as the market with monopolies, oligopolies, financial crises and the way in which they should be presented to the student, so that he can visualize how what he learns is useful for life, in such a way that he understands, analyze, reflect, achieve significant critical learning and actively participate in society; Achievements that can occur with the accompaniment and teaching guidance, teamwork and support of the new digital tools.



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