

How to Cite
Severiche Mendoza, C. A., & Pérez Buelvas, H. G. (2022). New curricular trends to face the changes in current society. Oratores Journal, (17), 100–116. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n17.709
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This essay aims to review trends related to the curriculum and the characteristics of contemporary curricular trends, in addition to presenting the new curricular provisions based on current educational trends determined by recent problems in the global context. It begins by explaining the historical journey that contemporary curricular trends have had, then four questions are raised: What are the contemporary curricular trends? What are the characteristics of the current context to which the curricular trends are responding? What new curricular trends respond to the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s society? and What are its characteristics? After the documentary review and in response to the first question, different contemporary educational trends are cited from the perspective of several authors, and later, in response to the third question, new trends are highlighted: (1) decolonization of the curriculum, (2) curricular flexibility for a multimodality, inclusive and technological educational training, (3) competency-based approach, learning for life, (4) inclusion of socio-emotional education, (5) digital technologies potential exploitation in education, (6) ecological curriculum for a damaged planet and (7) inclusion of research and innovation as a transverse axis of the curriculum; Below definitions, characteristics and criticisms of each of them in response to the fourth question are found.



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