

How to Cite
Martínez Madrigal, J. P., Puerto Zabala, P., & Présiga Vargas, C. A. (2022). The research teacher as a factor in the transformation of society: reflection on his role in the construction of knowledge, his own practice and the construction of knowledge networks. Oratores Journal, (17), 117–126. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n17.697
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This paper presents a reflection on the role of the research professor as a factor of social transformation based on his role in the university and his participation in the substantive functions of teaching, research and extension. It analyses how their performances contribute to the construction of knowledge, to the improvement of their own practice and to the construction of knowledge networks that involve students in the action of research so that they can contribute to their context and respond to the needs of society. The reflection is based on the consultation of twenty research articles on research in the teaching profession. This reflection concluded that research requires a profile that allows   teachers to act in different scenarios where their decisions directly influence the development of research skills in students and the construction of a research culture.



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