

How to Cite
Cruz Echeverri, D. A. (2022). Nature of difficulties associated with learning mathematics: whole numbers, in eighth grade students of basic secondary education. Oratores Journal, (17), 19–41. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n17.695
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This study considers the term "learning difficulties" as a complex unit of analysis since there may be different factors that affect its manifestation. In order to understand its nature, research related to learning and some of its faculties are taken up according to Claxton (2001) and Schunk (2012), mathematical knowledge, learning difficulties in mathematics and evaluation.

     As qualitative research, it uses grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin, 2016) for data collection, analysis and theory construction from them and analyzed with the support of Atlas.ti software; It is developed in the field of mathematics education to make contributions to the understanding of the difficulties that students present with respect to learning the integer.



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