Revista ORATORES 9


How to Cite
Hincapié Parejo, N. F., Orellana Orellana, E. F., & Orellana Orellana, C. (2019). Organizational climate in the educational institutions of Santa Marta, Colombia. Oratores Journal, (9), 34–57.
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The objective of the article is to determine the organizational climate in the school institutions of Santa Marta Colombia, under the theoretical foundations of authors, such as: Brunet (2008), Robbins and Coulter (2010), Chiavenato, (2006), Daft and Marcic, (2006), Goncalves (2007) among others. The research was descriptive with field design, transectional and non-experimental. The population consisted of six primary public basic educational units located in the city of Santa Marta. The reporting units were 6 rectors and 83 teachers. Two instruments of data collection, type scale type Lickert, were designed. The instruments were subjected to validity and reliability through the Cronbach’s Alpha method, obtaining a reliability for the instrument addressed to the rectors of 0.964 and 0.902 for the teachers. The alternative sometimes exhibits the highest percentage for the group of rectors; while for teachers the most answers were oriented towards the alternative almost always. It is pointed out that the organizational climate was in a moderately appropriate range, but at the lower end (3.62).



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