

How to Cite
Roa Fuentes, S. ., & Llanos Lora, D. E. (2023). An overview of the Institutional Educational Project (PEI) at Institucion Educativa Luis Calixto Leiva (Huila, Colombia): Conceptions towards competence, problem solving and evaluation Abstract. Dialogus Jornal, (11), 29–56. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i11.805
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This article presents a documentary study of the Institutional Educational Project (PEI) of the Luis Calixto Leiva Educational Institution (IELCL, Huila, Colombia), which seeks to characterize the conceptions of competence, problem solving and evaluation present in said document. The motivation of the documentary analysis is based on two questions: what are the conceptions of competence, problem solving and evaluation present in the PEI? And how close are these conceptions to the vision of the Ministry of National Education? The study of the PEI includes the search for key moments in its formulation that allow abstracting information about the conceptions. Therefore, through a documentary analysis, the organization of tables is shown that allow an observation of each of the aspects present in the institutional regulations from the Academic Management of the PEI to the concepts according to the mathematics plan, in order to land each one of the central concepts to the application according to what is established in the curriculum. In conclusion, a comparative exercise is presented that accounts for the consensus and disagreement found between the considerations of the MEN and what is established according to the PEI for the IELCL, noting that one of the transversal aspects is the consideration of integrity both in teaching orientation as in the application to the teaching-learning processes in the adequate consideration of the socio-emotional aspects that contribute particularities from which it is possible to improve education in favor of academic quality.

Keywords: mathematics, competence, problem solving, evaluation, education.



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