

How to Cite
Domínguez Pérez, Y. del S. ., Quintero Aleans, B. del C. . . ., & Hernández Hernández, D. Y. (2023). The role of the family in the learning process of students at “El Siglo” educational institution of the municipality of Ciénaga de Oro. Dialogus Jornal, (10), 44–62. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i10.749
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The research is developed with the purpose of analyzing the role of the family in the learning process of the students of third grade of Primary Basic Education of the IE El Siglo of the municipality of Ciénaga de Oro. The previous purpose allowed the configuration of the categories of analysis: Family learning process, Family teaching process, Parents' accompaniment of their children and Parents-teachers interaction, are approached from the postulates of Vidal (2001); Minuchin (1982); Sanchez (1994). Similarly, arguments associated with the family-school relationship are presented from the contributions of Gubbins and Berger (2002); Riviera and Milicic (2006), among others. Methodologically, the research was located in the qualitative research paradigm with a phenomenological type of study, which, from the application of a structured interview and a focus group, as data collection techniques, it was possible to capture the discourse of parents, in relation to what they consider is the accompaniment they should provide to their children in the learning process. The results show a positive characterization of the aforementioned categories, that is, parents recognize that they do provide support to their children and that this influences the formative process continued in the educational institution.



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