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Research is a process that encompasses many variables and constitutes a fundamental pillar for education and progress, since it promotes human development from all its dimensions, developing multiple skills and abilities. Research in the 21st century faces many challenges, but without a doubt, one of the most relevant is to get individuals interested and become actors in a continuous research process, where it is possible to articulate different scenarios closely related to development. human as son; school, university, state and society. Without a doubt, there is a wide difference between the investigative culture of the great world powers and the Latin American and Caribbean region; Based on this reality, this essay attempts to analyze some of the clearly identified causes, mainly in Colombia, by researchers, state entities, and from the personal pedagogical practice of its authors and; It raises some of the needs and opportunities that are glimpsed from the establishment of public policies, the proposal of a budget adjusted to the needs and its guarantees of compliance.
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