

How to Cite
Arango Arango, J. C. (2022). Perception of students during confinement of the platforms and their teacher. Dialogus Jornal, (6), 12–28. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i6.563
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The main objective of the study was to analyze the perception of students about their natural science classes and their teacher at the time of interacting remotely in the midst of confinement in times of pandemic by COVID-19, and inquire through the question, Yes Is there a relationship between learning and the virtual meeting system used (Classroom, Zoom, WhatsApp)? The article was based on a specific case where the null hypothesis (Ho) is related: “There is no relationship between learning and the system of virtual meeting used (Classroom, Zoom, WhatsApp) ”and the alternative hypothesis (H) 1:“ There is a relationship between learning and the virtual meeting system used (Classroom, Zoom, WhatsApp) ”. It was carried out in 125 eighth grade students from the San José Educational Institution of the Municipality of Itagüí, in the department of Antioquia (Colombia). The results obtained indicate that, in the midst of the health situation, the students consider that the educational process has been beneficial for their training, that their teacher carries out their pedagogical practice with professionalism, but that they prefer presence.



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