

How to Cite
Arrieta García, E. J. (2022). Motivation, critical thinking and metacognition: ¿essential for learning? Reflections on educational quality. Dialogus Jornal, (7), 79–88. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i7.527
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This essay offers a reflection on the role that motivation, critical thinking and metacognition play within the teaching and learning process, in order to have consistent arguments that allow us to reflect on the statements and opinions that have emerged in lathe concept of quality of education. This is measured or determined from the results that come from both national and international tests as a criterion for excellence to judge whether an institution or educational process is of quality. For this reason, a series of reflections are exposed that allow us to contemplate that there are internal and external factors to the educational act that are constantly influencing the level of apprehension that is offered in the school and therefore they are decisive when arguing whether it is effectively It is before a process of educational quality.



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