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Science and technology evolve at a dizzying pace, with which the recently acquired knowledge runs the risk of soon becoming obsolete since structured and object-oriented programming languages are still being taught since ancient times and today, generating results for software Windows operating system, Android and others. Technology has advanced and demands for applications or software have increased by business, government, education, and others. In all countries, much relevance is given to learning programming languages. For these reasons, it is important that students acquire skills to learn in accordance with the requirements of advances in technology.
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Amelia MPM (2011). La estructuración del enfoque del problema base en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la programación en la formación de profesores de informática, D - Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Félix Varela”. 2011.
Darwin. TAL (2018). La resolución de los problemas de fundamentos de programación en la formación del tecnólogo en análisis de sistemas. Editorial Universitaria; 2018.
Regina. FME (2016). Utilización de la analogía en la resolución de problemas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la programación, ,. Editorial Universitaria; 2016.
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